Thursday, August 25, 2016

Week 1 Introduction to Thorpe

My name is Thorpe Mayes, and I am a 24 year old Junior studying Creative Media Production in Gaylord College at the University of Oklahoma. I currently work in Gaylord for OUTV and KXOU as a remote operations manager. That just means I'm in charge of setting up our live feed at any remote locations we cover. I enjoy good books, such as Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises and Orwell's 1984, as well as any of the Sherlock Holmes stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Some of my favorite movies include The DepartedAmerican PsychoEx MachinaFight Club, and anything Wes Anderson or Quentin Tarantino, as well as most of the James Bond films. I like to listen to music by artists such as Flume, Chet Faker, Banks, Toro y Moi, SBTRKT, Shlohmo, Jack Garratt, Mura Masa and billions more. I got to see most of these artists at various festivals in 2014, most notably Coachella. It was amazing. I am studying Creative Media Production with a focus on Corporate and Commercial Media and Cinematography. I would like to be a director or cinematographer when I grow up. I like to laugh, but I love making other people laugh. Sometimes it doesn't work because I'm often the only one who laughs at my jokes. I grew up in Norman, Oklahoma, and I went to high school at Norman North. I have travelled internationally to Italy, Mexico and Nicaragua, and domestically to many states south of the Mason-Dixon line. In my free time I like to travel, camp and hike, play and watch soccer, ride my bicycle, play chess and dominoes,  produce music, take photos and make videos, and drink whisky. I absolutely love Hispanic and Asian foods of all kinds. Last Spring Break I went on a road trip with some friends. We travelled to Colorado Springs, Chaco Canyon, the Grand Canyon, Sedona and Tucson. Aussi, je parle un peu de français.  If you'd like to know anything else, feel free to ask!
This is one of my favorite sunset photos. I took this photo from the top of the parking garage at the OU football stadium. 


  1. Hey Thorpe!

    I think it would be pretty cool to become a cinematographer or director, I hope that all works out for you! It’s also nice that you’ve gotten to see so many of your favorite artists in person as well, I wish I could say the same!

    I understand the making others laugh thing, It’s a great feeling when people think you’re funny. Laughing to yourself is also fun. And there’s always those times when you think of something funny in the past and laugh about it all over again. Usually it’s at the worst times though, when everyone else is quiet!

    I also love that sunset picture!

  2. Hey Thorpe!

    I'm also a CMP major, so I'm surprised we haven't had any classes together! I'm doing a volunteer show for KXOU this semester, so maybe I'll see you around. I love all the movies you said were your favorites—especially American Psycho! I also love Quentin Tarantino. I'm not a huge Wes Anderson fan though. It's so cool that you went to Coachella. I've been to Bonnaroo a few times, and I absolutely loved it.

  3. Thorpe, my man! All of those movies that you listed are some of my favorites, Ex Machina especially. It is so rare to meet someone else who like Chet Faker and Banks too, I feel like a black sheep among my friends because their preferences in music are so different than mine. It is so cool about Coachella, I have always wanted to go. I look forward to getting to know you better over the semester.

  4. It is exciting to meet someone in this Creative Media Production major, Thorpe: I don't think I have seen that one before, and it sounds fantastic! As you might have guessed from the way the class works, I am not so interested in education-as-information (i.e. memorize this for the test)... I am more interested in what people can create and make, and how they can find the raw materials they need to do that, whether they are making something with words or images or both. Cinematography is one of the great art forms of the modern age, and I think it is really exciting that you want to pursue that as a career! I am glad that OU offers a major that synchs up with such a wonderful career goal.

    And that is a GORGEOUS photo: when you look at that, you can see why "sky stories" are so much a part of every culture. Fabulous!

  5. Hello Thorpe, I am pleased to meet you. I also attend OU, in fact I intend to attend law school at OU Law. Being a remote operations manager sounds like an interesting position. I also like to read. I must admit it has been a long time since I have had time to read anything that was not assigned by one of my professors. Your aspiration to become a director is very interesting. Your outdoor hobbies sound like a lot of fun. I vacationed in Colorado a few years ago. It was very beautiful but the altitude made it difficult for me to stay awake. I look forward to reading your stories throughout the semester.

  6. Hi! I have a lot of friends in creative media production, some that you might know and one that just started in that area. I'll have to let him know of some of the jobs he could get in Gaylord! I'm also in Gaylord as a PR major and I think it's a great college. I love the movies you listed, Ex Machina had such a good ending and it was a trippy movie. I look forward to reading your work this semester!

  7. I haven’t read any Sherlock Holmes books since I was a kid. You reminded me of them and now I want to reread all Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s books. Your very lucky having gone to Coachella, I bet it was so much fun and you get introduced to all sorts of music. You seem so outdoorsy, lol I’m jealous. I’m the world’s worst camper and hiking, oh good lord, don’t get me started on hiking…

  8. Thorpe,

    It sounds like you are having a lot of fun at school, you have a cool major. Additionally, you have excellent taste in movies and books. I hope the influences show up in your writing. Also, I can see from that one sentence that you remember more French from high school. I look forward to reading your work, good luck with the rest of this semester.


  9. Hi Thorpe! Wow, we have some of the same taste in music! That's awesome! I've seen Flume probably 5 times now and continue to see him whenever I get the chance. Have you ever listened to Odesza? They are absolutely amazing, and have some of the same style of music as Flume. I see you also travel to Colorado- I'm there almost 10 times a summer for music festivals, so it sounds like we would get along great! Have an awesome semester!

    1. AND I went to Norman North too! That's really cool

  10. Hey Thorpe. Wait that is so awesome you went to Coachella. I almost went to ACL this year, but unfortunately had to sell my ticket. Movies are my life, but I am more of a sci fy kinda guy. Please don't hate me for it. That is awesome that you are a big traveler. I hope to be able to see a lot of the world when I get older, but we will see. Have fun this semester and I hope to see your name again as a director.

  11. Hey Thorpe,

    You've got a lot of cool interests! I'm by no means an artist, but I know a lot of people that are into making movies / cinematography / directing, and I just love watching them work. Also, your choice of movies is pretty good, I haven't seen much of Wes Anderson, but I'm a huge Tarantino fan. How did you like Colorado Springs? I visited there this past summer actually!

    Anyway, best of luck to you in your future endeavors!

    Joe Wagner

  12. Thorpe,
    holy smokes, I'm jealous of your travels! I wanted to do something similar for spring break 2 years ago, but only made it as far as Colorado, but I still really want to see the Grand Canyon! You've got a really cool taste in music, by the way! I like some of the bands you mention (though some I've never even heard of!)
    And Asian food is the best, hands down!
    Nice to meet ya :)

  13. Wow, you are very thorough in your introduction. I feel like I know a lot about you. I have to say you have many hobbies. I have good friend who wanted to be movie director, and she told it is very difficult because it requires many experiences. Yet, it is an awesome career. I wish you have a good semester! It’s nice to know you!

  14. Hi Thorpe! I am jealous that you have been to so many different places. It is one of my dreams to road trip around the United States with friends. Hopefully, after college, I will have more time to do something similar. I love to read as well, although we have much different tastes in what we like to read. I am more into romance, comedy, or suspense novels. I think the fact that you have been able to travel to different places and see a lot of different artists perform will really help you be able to tell some great stories. I look forward to reading them.

  15. Hi Thorpe,

    Wow I have to say that your writing is quite eloquent; I really feel like I know more about you! I am jealous of your many travels as I hope to be an international professor some day. Also your taste in different forms of media is fantastic! Sherlock Holmes has been reincarnated into many different shows and movies but I still love the novels themselves the most as well. It was great getting to learn more about you! Thanks for sharing!


  16. So nice to meet you! It sounds like you have had some very interesting times in your life. Your major and work sound very interesting and like it has the potential to be so much fun! I also Hispanic and Asian food of all kind! Truthfully, I just love to try new things. However, I went to a family reunion several years ago where they served nothing but Menudo and it was pretty traumatizing.
