Friday, August 26, 2016

Storybook Favorites

Hero Visa Pending by Elizabeth Harper

The story Hero Visa Pending is told through the eyes of Hades' stand-in receptionist, Kyle, who is in charge of making heroes wishing to enter the underworld fill out the proper paperwork required for admittance. The topic caught my attention because of the casual office setting described and the nonchalant, humorous depiction of Hades, god of the underworld. I like that the writer used stories outside traditional Greco-Roman mythology. It shows creative playfulness in writing, and the interactions of characters from entirely different worlds make for an interesting storyline.
The author was very thoughtful in crafting her stories, and I think she was very creative in weaving together characters from different backgrounds. I know a little about all of the individual 'heroes' we encounter, but the writer goes into great detail to explain each story's background.

Deeper Into the Forest by Emily Suderman

The story Deeper Into the Forest introduces our hero, an adventurous prince, in a dark, scary forest. The introduction set the scene extremely well, and leaves the reader wanting more. I was attracted to this story because of the engaging introduction that leaves the reader on a cliffhanger, and because I know very little about the stories of the Brothers Grimm. I was intrigued to find out the hero's complete story, as well as be introduced to stories with which I am unfamiliar. The images throughout the stories add to the mystery and intrigue of the dark forest setting. As for design, the natural wood background positively contributed to creating a 'forest' setting for the reader.

Titan Tales no author listed

The introduction to Titan Tales immediately reels me in for a couple reasons. I am familiar with the stories of Prometheus and Atlas, and I love the idea that the brothers are doing group counseling. The humorous aspect draws me in every time, and the description of the brothers' different personalities is very creative. I wanted to read more immediately, especially to learn more about the other Titans. The stories explore the emotional states and psyches of the fallen Titans, and it gives them human characteristics. The brothers bicker like real siblings might, and the therapist serves as a mother figure that keeps them in check. The writing is really expressive and makes me believe they might interact like that in real life.

This is the image from the Hero Visa Pending story by Elizabeth Harper. I thought this was a good depiction of the setting that the introduction described. I imagine Hades would have quite a foyer in which heroes wait and fill out paperwork. Image of hotel foyer design from 3D house - hotel.

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