I laughed so hard at The Bad Wife. It is almost like a dream sequence that plays out in old married couples' heads. This was taking marital problems to the extreme, and I found it hilarious. Now I am just assuming that is how all Russian men think about their wife. It's so funny that she is so terrible that even the demons are scared of her. She must have been the devil himself. While the first story might be a Russian man's nightmare, this could be a Russian man's dream.
The Three Copecks is an epic adventure that ultimately leads to a happy engagement. I think this story is a metaphor for life; if you are patient, confident and trusting, good things will come to you. The long story reminded me of Homer's Odyssey, especially because it followed the cat far and wide, and ultimately the protagonist reaped benefits after a long time.
The Miser is a good representation of how far a greedy man will go to not pay back a debt. This makes me think of rich people in power evading taxes whilst mocking the poor and needy.
Rhus Tomentosa, The Wild Currant Tree. Photo taken by Abu Shawka, found on Wikimedia, here.
To represent the currant bush in The Bad Wife.
Bibliography: Stories from Russian Fairy Tales by W.R.S. Ralston, found here.
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